Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New fuzzing technic

While looking at jeremy brown most advanced fuzzer last night, i came up with a great idea for my fuzzing framework.

As you already know, I'm currently building a fuzzing framework called "TAODB",which fuzz:
- file format 
- networking protocols
- browsers
- * I/O

My idea goes as follow: 
Everyone fuzz inputs with value like
- \x00
- \x41
- \x80\x00\x00\x00
- \xff 

and they miserably fail, and i know why:

Why stopping at \xff when you could simply continue with \xzz\xxx\xww ?

Clever eh ?

I'm planning to use this new trick inside TAODB, and finally beat the radioshack dude  fuzzing technics.

Stay tuned, more great fuzzing tricks on the way !